Patron Member

Any limited, private limited, partnership firm or other type of business including individual professional entity which is engaged in the business of manufacturing processing, packaging trading and logistics, marketing, warehousing, retailing, hospitality, tourism, media, publication, service industry, construction, consultation, finance, agriculture, education, healthcare or servicing etc is invited to be a member and is prima facie eligible for membership as a Patron Member.

Patron Members have to pay one-time fees only, and opportunities to become part of Governing council.

Life Member

Any limited, private limited, partnership firm or other type of business including individual professional entity which is engaged in the business of manufacturing, processing, packaging, trading and logistics, marketing, warehousing, retailing, hospitality, tourism, media, publication, service industry, construction, consultation, finance, agriculture, education, healthcare or servicing etc. is invited to be a member and is prima facie eligible for membership as an Active Member.

Life members have to pay one-time fees only.

Honorary Member

Any individual who has rendered distinguished services to the company, to the industry, commerce, agriculture, education, sports or Government, quasi Government may be elected as an Honorary Member provided that the name and record of such distinguished service of the person who it is proposed to this honor will be at the discretion of the Governing Council. Honorary Members will enjoy all the privileges of Active Members. At the discretion of the Governing Council, Honorary Members may be appointed to any standing committee, working party or similar representative body.

Honorary members do not have to pay any fees.

Associate Member

Any limited, private limited, partnership or other type of business including individual professional entity which is engaged in the business of manufacturing, processing, packaging, trading, logistics, marketing, warehousing, retailing, hospitality, tourism, media, publication, service industry, construction, consultation, finance, agriculture, education, healthcare or servicing etc and is not cated in geographical area of North Konkan is prima facie eligible for Associate Membership. associate Members will enjoy all the privileges of Active Members, and to be elected to, or hold office on the Governing Council. At the discretion of the Governing Council, Associate members may be appointed to any standing committee, working party or similar representative body.

Associate members have to pay one-time fees only.

Membership Benefits

Once you become members of NKCCA, major benefits will be available on enrolment. These benefits are:

  1. A large platform is available to interact & share your wisdom, experience, knowledge & concerns.
  2. To network with thousands of members across the region.
  3. To get a complimentary copy of Chamber’s official publication.
  4. Discounts for participating in various workshops, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, programs, events, refresher courses, symposiums, popular lectures, forums.
  5. Free catalog display from Members at NKCCA booth at events where NKCCA participates in India and Internationally.
  6. National/ International networking opportunities through various meetings andconferences for which NKCCA members are invited/ allowed to attend by variousChambers of Commerce, Export promotion councils, foreign embassies andconsulates as and when a business delegation visits India. Also, members couldseek access to associations internationally where NKCCA has an agreement/tie-upfor cooperation in the various areas of knowledge, information, and expertiserelating industry, commerce, trade, agriculture and as available with theconcerned associations. 
  7. Leadership roles/ mentoring roles/ member in panel of experts in NKCCA’s internal sub committees

Be a member of this movement.


Enterprises Engaged In The Manufacture Or Production Of Goods Pertaining To Any Industry:

Micro Investment in plant and machinery, original cost excluding land and building does not exceed Rs. 25 lakhs


Small Investment in plant and machinery, original cost excluding land and building is between 25 lakhs and 5 crores.


Medium Investment in plant and machinery, original cost excluding land and building, is between 5 crores and 10 crores.


Large Exceeding above limits

Enterprises Engaged In Providing Or Rendering Of

Micro Investment in equipment does not exceed Rs.10 lakhs;

Small Investment in equipment is more than Rs. 10 lakhs but does not exceed Rs. 2 crores

Medium Investment in equipment is more than Rs. 2 crores but does not exceed Rs. 5 crores

Large Exceeding above limits

Membership Fee Category Wise

#Membership CategoryFee (Rs.)GST (Rs.)Total (Rs.)
APatron Active Member:   
 a. Micro& Small-scale organization10000/-1800/-11800/-
 b. Medium scale organization20000/-3600/-23600/-
 c. Medium scale organization40000/-7200/-47200/-
 not covered in a,b,c10000/-1800/-11800/-
BLife Active Member:   
 a. Micro& Small-scale organization3000/-540/-3540/-
 b. Medium scale organization5000/-900/-5900/-
 c. Medium scale organization10000/-1800/-11800/-
 not covered in a,b,c3000/-540/-3540/-
DHonorary MemberNilNilNil
EAssociate Membership for other trade &
professional association/ societies etc